We understand that hiring tutors off the internet can be a tough decision for clients. They may have questions or reservations which may not be answered on tutor's profile, until they have met tutors in person or until after lessons have begun.
The Good Fit Guarantee is a system agreed to by all tutors on Tuteria that if after the first hour with a new client, the client doesn’t feel the tutor is a “good fit” – the client is free to terminate the appointment and hire another tutor.
If this happens, the cost of the first hour is paid to the tutor while the remaining hours are refunded to clients. In essence, all tutors on Tuteria have guaranteed their first hour with a new client. The client's payment is protected until they are sure the tutor is a perfect fit.
This protects both clients and tutors from having an unpleasant tutoring experience. Tutors who prepare well for lessons and offer great service, never need to refund any money.
However, this is different from our Refund Policy.