We make it easy to discover amazing tutors like Adesua

Only the highest quality instructors are approved, and we have built in trust, safety and transparency as integral parts of your tutoring experience with Tuteria

Verified IDs

All tutors have verified their IDs by connecting to their social networks, uploading valid govt-issued IDs and confirming personal information with supporting documents.

Background Checks

Clients may run up-to-date criminal checks on any tutor which goes back seven years. We've teamed up with the foremost background check company to legally conduct the checks.

High Standards for Quality

All tutors are delicately assessed and manually verified against each subject to ensure that they don't only meet our high standards, but also meet yours.

Good Fit Guarantee

Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee. You don't pay for lessons unless you've found a good fit. Tutors have guaranteed their services.

Tuteria Reputation

Users cultivate their reputation score by being rewarded for trustworthy behaviour, which helps to identify the best clients and tutors based on their past activities on Tuteria.

Two-way Reviews

Clients review the tutor's performance after each lesson which is publicly displayed on tutor profiles. Tutors also provide feedback for clients to encourage transparency.

Learn and teach without worries

Tuteria is a trusted community. We use best-in-class technologies and security measures to keep your transactions and data safe

Personal Details

Your privacy is important to us. We ensure your data is secured at all times and never share them with third parties.

Secure Payments

All transactions are conducted through Tuteria's secure platform which protects your payments and ensures lessons are delivered.

Trust & Safety Team

Your safety is our first priority. Our trust and safety team works 24/7 to monitor activities on the site and keep you safe.

If you ever need any help, just contact us. We are delightfully friendly and always respond quickly.

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388