
Tochi (ID Verified)

Experienced French Tutor

  • 87 Hours Taught
  • Area 11, Abuja
  • (1)

How I can help

French Language

More than 3 years experience

I have a Second Class Upper division in foreign languages (French and German). So far my experience teaching and learning German has been quite exciting.

I have an extensive knowledge of teaching both the academic and conversational French. I can teach oral communication, reading, writing, translation etc. Teaching French language is fun for me. I went to the French language village for some programs and also to Bénin Republic.
I teach with patience because its a Foreign Language and it needs a lot of patience to accumulate. I try to make sure my students and pupils understand a particular topic before moving over to another. I teach with examples and demonstrations.

Tochi also teaches:
German Language

Levels taught: Undergraduate and Adult

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

B.A in Foreign Languages (French and German)

University of Nigeria Nsukka

About Tochi

Private French Language Tutor in Area 11, Abuja

1 Review

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