
Stephen (ID Verified)

IELTS Instructor with 40+ Success stories not less than 7.5

  • 1132 Hours Taught
  • Agungi, Lagos

How I can help


More than 3 years experience

I am an IELTS Coach with more that 5 years experience preparing students both online and offline for the IELTS Exams. I have amazing success stories as many of my students don't have below 7.5. All the four sections of the Exams: Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing are given in-depth attention and all four sections are explained in simplest terms to students. I also prepare students for the following English Proficiency exams: PTE, TOEFL, OET and SELT.
I tailor my teaching to the strengths, weakness and special needs of my students so they can pass the exam amazingly.
Is Band 7.5-9 your dream band? Book me!

Stephen also teaches:
English Language, Phonics, Creative Writing, Literacy & Numeracy, Literature in English, GRE Verbal, Verbal Reasoning, Government, PTE, GMAT Verbal

Levels taught: Jss, Sss, Undergraduate and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian, British

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Stephen will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Agungi to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.A in English and Literary Studies

University of Calabar

About Stephen

Private IELTS Tutor in Agungi, Lagos

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