
Stephen (ID Verified)

Literature is life; I am here for you!

  • 16 Hours Taught
  • Trademore Estate, Airport Road, Abuja

How I can help

Literature in English

More than 3 years experience

Literature is life. It can be as deep as being used as a panacea for personal, social, psychopathic, and even medical tendencies. The genesis revolves around the tripartite spectacles (prose, poetry and drama). Taking the cue from the trio, you can go as deep as the level of theoretical analysis, even to the metaphysical level of stimulating healing using Literature.
In my three (3) years of teaching Literature in the secondary school, I have taught a student who naturally fails all subjects to pass Literature in English, all under two academic terms.
I only need my clients to prepare their hearts, our first contact will arouse their interest (if not initially available).

Stephen also teaches:
English Language, Phonetics

Levels taught: Jss and Sss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

Diploma in Post Graduate Diploma in Education

National Teachers Institute

B.A. in English Studies

Adekunle Ajasin University

About Stephen

Private Literature in English Tutor in Trademore Estate, Airport Road, Abuja

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