
Sarah (ID Verified)

Well trained on reading, writing, spelling and listening.

  • 28 Hours Taught
  • Onipanu , Lagos

How I can help

Literacy & Numeracy


I am well trained in the use of Nelson handwriting. I have been able to help my students having difficulty in writing neatly and clearly. I have also attended seminars and training on how to teach and improve my students literacy skills. such as reading, speaking and spelling. I have developed my students with the ability to read fluency.

Sarah also teaches:
Principles of Accounting, Business Studies, Verbal Reasoning, Commerce, General Mathematics, Basic Mathematics, Quantitative Reasoning, English Language

Levels taught: Lower Primary and Pre-Primary

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Sarah will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Onipanu to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Ed in Business Education

University of Lagos, Yaba

About Sarah

Private Literacy & Numeracy Tutor in Onipanu , Lagos

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