
Seyi (ID Verified)

I love to see people have a good command of the English Language.

  • 4 Hours Taught
  • Isolo, Lagos
  • (1)

How I can help

English Language

More than 3 years experience

During my stint as English Language teacher recently at a school in Isolo, I met a young girl from the Middle belt area of Nigeria. She was very active and brilliant, but had a very poor command of the English Language, having been brought up mostly speaking her mother tongue(like many of us).
Initially, she was a big challenge to me as I had to sometimes explain concepts to her in my local dialect(we happen to have the same mother tongue), just so she could get it.
How did I help her? Well, while putting side by side the English Language with Yoruba to teach her, I became more convinced as I had been taught at the Obafemi Awolowo University that an understanding of one's local dialect will birth an easy grasp of the English Language.
How is that possible? Since English and Yoruba are both languages, they are governed by the same theories and principles, to a very large extent.
So, in teaching English language to anyone, I seek to make them understand the workings of their local language first, if they understand it. Then, they can very easily grasp the nitty-gritty of English Language. There is no mystery about it!
Take Parts of Speech for example, say Verb. A verb is a word that describes performance of an action, whether in English or Yoruba. So, if a learner can understand how a singular verb works with a singular noun in his own language, s/he will watch out for the same in English Language.

Seyi also teaches:
English Grammar

Levels taught: Jss and Sss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

B.Ed. in English Education

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun state.

About Seyi

Private English Language Tutor in Isolo, Lagos

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