
Samuel (ID Verified)

A skillful & dedicated further maths tutor to give you nothing but the best

  • 781 Hours Taught
  • Garki 2, Abuja

How I can help

Further Mathematics

I engage students actively in all my mathematics classes at every stage of their learning process ensuring they grasp every concept taught at every stage. I strive to know students’ learning styles and I
bring Mathematics lessons to life with real-world applications. From the most boring, tedious, dull, and interesting activities, math plays a crucial role in all of them. Hence I use my expertise knowledge to improve students’ math skills from time to time. I ensure that students are well trained in their math classes and that they master all the mathematical skills. I also use differentiated style of teaching students with different abilities.

Samuel also teaches:
Basic Mathematics, Basic Technology, Technical Drawing, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Phonics, Literacy & Numeracy, General Mathematics, TIV Language, Basic Sciences, English Language

Levels taught: Senior Secondary, Tertiary and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: British, Nigerian, American

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Samuel will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Garki 2 to deliver lessons.

Education History

M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering(Energy Studies)

University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State

B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering

University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State

About Samuel

Private Further Mathematics Tutor in Garki 2, Abuja

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