
Olorunkemi (ID Verified)

Distinction in English Language Exams. Learn from the Best Tutor.

  • 434.5 Hours Taught
  • Iyanu ipaja, Lagos

How I can help

English Language

I am an experienced English language instructor with in-depth knowledge in comprehension passage, grammar,composition, spellings, reading and writing. I have B.Sc in Cell Biology and Genetics from the University of Lagos. My focus is to ensure that learners perform excellent in English language. I am determine to ensure that the learner fully participate during the learning process and comes out with the best grade in English language. I have taught some learners in schools as a teacher and at home as a tutor who performed excellently well in their study and had good results. My goal is to make learners comprehend and have better understanding of the topics.

Olorunkemi also teaches:
Literacy & Numeracy, Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, General Mathematics, Creative Writing, Handwriting Improvement, Phonics, Basic Sciences, Basic Mathematics

Levels taught: Pre-Primary, Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Junior Secondary

Teaching Curriculum: British, Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Olorunkemi will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Iyanu ipaja to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Sc in Bsc Cell Biology and Genetics

University of Lagos

About Olorunkemi

Private English Language Tutor in Iyanu ipaja, Lagos

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388