
Omonzuwa (ID Verified)

A successful verbal reasoning teacher with outstanding achievements

  • 229.5 Hours Taught
  • Berger, Lagos

How I can help

Verbal Reasoning

More than 3 years experience

I am a successful verbal reasoning tutor with a passion to inspire young minds and a commitment to ensuring every child achieves their potential.

To facilitate the Teaching-learning of the subject, I work by establishing a relationship with pupils.

Usually, my role is to develop and foster appropriate skill and ability to enable the optimum development of children according to age, ability and aptitude.

I have also had to assess and record progress and prepare pupils for internal school exams and common entrance and it is to my credit that few months ago my pupil who took common entrance in Math, quantitative, English and verbal to a very competitive high school excelled with an outstanding performance.

I always link pupils' knowledge to earlier learning and develop ways to encourage it further, challenging and inspiring pupils to help deepen their knowledge and understanding

Omonzuwa also teaches:
Quantitative Reasoning, GRE, Handwriting Improvement, General Mathematics, Microsoft Excel

Levels taught: Primary, Jss, Sss and Undergraduate

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Omonzuwa will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Berger to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Sc. in Industrial Mathematics

University of Benin

N.C.E in Mathematics/Physics

College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin City

Certificate & Awards

National Certificate Of Education in Mathematics/Physics

College of Education Ekiadolor

About Omonzuwa

Private Verbal Reasoning Tutor in Berger, Lagos

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