
Ogheneovo (ID Verified)

An experienced graduate of economics

  • 140 Hours Taught
  • Ilasan , Lagos

How I can help


More than 6 years experience

Economics as a subject can be seen as a science and also as an art subject. The very nature of Economics with definitions of various concepts are very easy for students to always read and understand with little or no help from an expert. However, the technical aspects of Economics are more challenging to students. Areas that require graphical illustrations and mathematical explanations are usually problematic for students.
Topics such as utility maximization, equilibrium position of firms under perfect and imperfect market conditions, national income accounting, elasticity, price legislation, cost and revenue curves etc are known to cause problems to students.
As a tutor of Economics, I mostly employ everyday realities to explain economic theories and concepts to students so as to make the lessons less boring and abstract.
I have years of tutoring experience with American, British and Nigerian Curriculum.

Ogheneovo also teaches:
Principles of Accounting

Levels taught: Senior Secondary, Tertiary and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: American, Nigerian, British

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Ogheneovo will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Ilasan to deliver lessons.

Education History



B.Sc in Economics

University Of Port Harcourt

Certificate & Awards

Graduate certificate

National Institute of Management

About Ogheneovo

Private Economics Tutor in Ilasan , Lagos

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388