
Michael (ID Verified)

Taking TOEFL has to be done in a congregational parlance

  • 18 Hours Taught
  • Shangisha-Magodo, Lagos

How I can help


More than 6 years experience

Teaching the English Language goes beyond giving tasks to students. It involves taking them through critical thinking and logical reasoning. I ensure my students are taken through knowing what the author's purpose and what the structure of a text.

My own style of facilitating learning is putting the four language skills in focus when teaching the English Language. My students take part in the teaching/learning of the English Language actively as the outcome is about them not about me. Teaching/learning with me is a student-center.

I present scenarios that enable them to think outside the box; no need to spoonfeed my students as learning involves doing, using the three H's (hand, head, and heart). For about a decade, candidates who have had their coaching under my tutelage had their results at a single sitting.

Michael also teaches:
English Language, English Grammar, Phonetics, IELTS, SAT Reading

Levels taught: Primary, Jss, Sss, Undergraduate and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian, British, American

The curricula are learner-centred. For instance, while the British and the American curricula aim at encouraging learners to be confident, responsible reflective and innovative. Their approach to teaching-learning takes care of both competency and performance in students.

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Michael will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Shangisha-Magodo to deliver lessons.

Education History


University of Lagos

Certificate & Awards

MA. English Language

University of Lagos

About Michael

Private TOEFL Tutor in Shangisha-Magodo, Lagos

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388