
Micah (ID Verified)

Chemistry has enabled students to respond to their surroundings

  • 116 Hours Taught
  • Ibeju, Lagos

How I can help


More than 3 years experience

Chemistry can be said to be the central of all sciences because it explains why things behave the way they do. For example, the concept of rusting cannot be explained without chemistry. Using of different materials like soap cannot be explained without saponification.
I try to teach chemistry in a way that the student will personally develop his mind in becoming a scientist that can go ahead and create something new.

Micah also teaches:
Basic Sciences, Physics, General Mathematics

Levels taught: Jss and Sss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian, British

I am a British-trained teacher, and have experience preparing students for IGCSE and Checkpoint examinations in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Micah will usually travel anywhere at most 10km (~ 1hrs drive ) from Ibeju to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Eng. in Metallurgical and Material Engineering

Federal University of Technology Akure

About Micah

Private Chemistry Tutor in Ibeju, Lagos

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388