
Johnson (ID Verified)

I teach business and professional French language.

  • 8 Hours Taught
  • Abuja, Abuja

How I can help

French Language

More than 6 years experience

The French language is a well known and most spoken language in the world. It is by excellence, one of the best working languages of the United Nations. This language is widely spoken in many countries in the World. It is the mother tongue of three countries in Europe: France, Belgium, and Switzerland.

In West Africa, the French language is the most spoken language too in about nine countries. Nigeria as a country is surrounded by francophones countries making this language so demanding and interesting in our community. I hold a bachelor's degree in modern foreign language French and Spanish from the University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon. I also have the highest degree in the French language from the Institut français which is equivalent to a Ph.D., it is called DALF C2. It is the last level of studies in the field of language. Not only that, I am from a francophone background. I have countless experiences working as a French interpreter and teacher in Nigeria.

I have worked for the French institute in Wuse 2 before I opened my private language center in 2012. I am currently working as a french editor with the Monarch Magazine in Nigeria.

Well, a great number of my past learner's worked in foreign affairs. Some are University students that studied public relations. I had also trained the Nigerian police for the peacekeeping mission as well as the Nigeria Army. I also teach students looking for admission into foreign universities in France in partnership with Campus France. Students that passed under my supervision are found to have a very good command of the language as the teaching is done in the French language.

The French language isn't different when it comes to teaching it, it has the same approach as other foreign languages. I use videos, audio conversations, and pictures to enhance the listen and speaking of the learners. In some cases I use books. Something I know is that the French language materials are easy to find in Nigeria than any other language material. My expectation from clients is that prior to our meeting, they should know that this is a language that is entirely different from others and should prepare their minds to work hard to learn this language.

Johnson also teaches:
Spanish Language

Levels taught: Primary, Jss, Sss, Undergraduate and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

B.Sc in modern foreign languages

University of Yaoundé 1

PhD in Human sciences and French language

Institut français Abuja

Certificate & Awards


Institut Français

C2 and French Teacher Diploma from the University of Maroua, Cameroun

University of Maroua

About Johnson

Private French Language Tutor in Abuja, Abuja

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