
Johnson (ID Verified)

I am a very good Spanish instructor. Let me put you on track.

  • 8 Hours Taught
  • Abuja, Abuja
  • (1)

How I can help

Spanish Language

More than 6 years experience

I am a foreign language instructor. I am a graduate of the Yaoundé one University from the faculty of modern and foreign language French/Spanish. I had first worked as a FIFA interpreter during the Under 17 World Cup in Nigeria as a Spanish interpreter attached to the team of Uruguay. Then I worked also for various conferences in Abuja as a Spanish interpreter. I can still recall the last conference in 2016 with the mixed commission of Nigeria and the republic of Guinée Équatoriale.
Some years back when I opened my language center, I received a visit of the then cultural attachée for Spanish affairs in Nigeria. The Spanish language is one of the most spoken languages in the World. The third working language of the United Nations. This interesting language is spoken by the Europeans where it is called Castellaño and the Latin America where it is called Español. The two varieties are similar but have differences in profession and terminology.

It has been so interesting teaching a language like Spanish in Africa at large and in a country like ours where there is no motivation to learn a foreign language. Nevertheless, since 2012 I have trained a great number of students in private international schools like in St Augustine College in Nasarawa state where I taught for two Spanish from Js1 class to SS2. I also trained students that were traveling for their undergraduate program in Cuba up to the level of A2 that was required by the University.

It may not be so easy teaching foreign languages in Nigeria because of the lack of materials. For group teaching, I use online resources from Google just like videos, texts, and pictures. For private clients to I use videos and books but some are only available in photocopy. For effective delivery, materials must cover these four areas - reading comprehension, oral comprehension, oral production, and written production. I do advise clients to provide certain materials to ease the learning and the teaching. Meanwhile I still always do my best to meet the demands of my clients.

Johnson also teaches:
French Language

Levels taught: Primary, Jss, Sss, Undergraduate and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

B.Sc in modern foreign languages

University of Yaoundé 1

PhD in Human sciences and French language

Institut français Abuja

About Johnson

Private Spanish Language Tutor in Abuja, Abuja

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