
Israel (ID Verified)

Highly motivated, enthusiastic and dedicated tutor with 3 years experi

  • 309.5 Hours Taught
  • Oworonskoki, Lagos

How I can help

Quantitative Reasoning

More than 1 year experience

Quantitative Reasoning is the developed ability to analyze quantitative information to determine which skills and procedures can be applied to a particular problem to arrive at a solution. I have tutored quantitative reasoning privately to children in primary school preparing for National common entrance exams at federal and state level including individuals preparing for aptitude test.
Aptitude tests are used by employer to measure your work relative cognitive capacity. It is one of the most commonly used assessments in measuring candidates’ suitability for a role. The most commonly used set of cognitive test includes: abstract/conceptual reasoning, verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning.
The key skills required to pass an aptitude test are:
Effective problem solving skills;
Ability to quickly learn new skills;
Ability to quickly integrate new information;
Strategic thinking; and
Ability to deal with ambiguity in decision making.

Aptitude test is design to assess an individual thinking performance and the result will be compared by the control group, so that the examiner can judge your abilities. As a candidate applying for job or seeking for an admission. This is your time display your preferred skills and makes a good impression, as this will determine your movement to the interview stage. So it is crucial that a candidate pass this test to have any chance of getting the desired job.
5 basic tips before taking aptitude test
Relax: You need to relax your mind and calm your nerves and body. This is to check what you really know and the right skills like problem solving and fast thinking skills are needed for you to excel.
Practice and Prepare very hard: For your own convenience and avoid being in doubt, you need to take some test and timed yourself as if you are taking the real test. You can as well as a friend to supervise you. This will help you to know your weak areas and then enable you to work on them. Make sure that the test is related to the actual one you want to write. If the actual one will be a personality test, do not waste time practicing mechanical test.
Frequently Ask Question (FAQ): If you do not know the type of test you will be writing, contact the Human Resources of the organization. Most time, a contact number or email will be on your invitation letter. Do not be afraid to ask question and they will be willing to answer you. Remember that if they did not need your enquiries, they would not have to put their contact on the invite.
Be time conscious: You have to time yourself, aptitude tests are always timed,
and whether you like or not, the time will not wait for you and neither can you manipulate it. Therefore you have to think and answer the question fast. If you tedious question to answer, move to the next one.
Seek Feedback: It is necessary to know how well you performed in the test as this will give important insights into how your personality and ensuring how you have been judged and which area to improve on. For personality test, where there is wrong or right answers, effective feedback will notify you on the areas to improve yourself; and if you are unsuccessful at first, never give up. Continue to study, read the right material to improve on your skills and abilities and be more confident to prepare better next time.
There ia no failure until you acknowledge it. Above all, failure to plan is planning to fail.
Some examples of numerical reasoning are as follows:
1. Grace thought of a number, added 7 multiplied by 3, took away 5 and divided by 4 to give an answer 7. What was the starting number?
Solution: 3(x+7) -5 /4 = 7, then the answer is equal to 4.
2. What is the missing number 56/7 =? - 5. Ans = 13.
3. What is the largest fraction: 3/4, 7/8, 4/5, 7/9, and 7/10. The answer = 7/10.
4. A driver drives 8km south then 6km west and 2km.south again she then drives 3km east to. Avoid a traffic jam before driving 6km north. How many kilometers is she from her starting point?
Solution: Total distance driven south = 8+2- 6km = 4km
Total distance driven west = 6-3km =3km
This makes a right angled triangle where the distance from her starting point is the hypotenuse using Pythagoras theorem. In any right angle triangle, the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse ( distance from starting point)= square root of 25 = 5km.
or a simpler method is to see that the distance make a 3, 4, 5 triangle, so the distance start is 5km.

Israel also teaches:
Ibibio Language, Environmental Management, Basic Technology, Afang Soup, General Mathematics, Chemistry, Verbal Reasoning, Physics, Calculus, PMI, Geography

Levels taught: Primary and Sss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Israel will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Oworonskoki to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Sc in Geophysics

University of Lagos

Dipl. in ISO 45001:2018 Principle of Occupational Health and Safety Management

Alison e learning

About Israel

Private Quantitative Reasoning Tutor in Oworonskoki, Lagos

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