
Israel (ID Verified)

A conscientious and passionate environmental management Instructor wit

  • 309.5 Hours Taught
  • Oworonskoki, Lagos

How I can help

Environmental Management

More than 1 year experience

Environmental management is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the environment in the interest of solving complex problem. Environmental studies bring together the principles of science, commerce/economics and social sciences so as to solve contemporary environmental problems. It is a broad field of study that includes the natural and built environment and the set of relationship between them.
Environmental management is the interaction and impact of human societies on the environment. It is the aim to ensure that ecosystem services are perfected and maintain for future human generation and integrity through ethical, economic and scientific variables.
With the escalating global issues attributed to global warming, land use, human overpopulation and intensive farming, environmental studies play an important role in educating students and individual about climatic changes, environmental health, conservation, genetic engineering, resource depletion and pollution.
Generally, human needs and desires, has taken advantages from nature and it environment in good or bad term. But unfortunately, there are some indications that man over enforce their greed, where the desire of fulfilling needs somehow give a reverse impact and nature give some unpleasant feed back in return, causing some unpleasant disasters. That is why environmental management is severely needed, and should be one of the considerations in any action when generating interaction with the environment.

Environmental Interference by man has resulted to ecosystem imbalance combine in different permutations to reduce the livability and aesthetic quality of man’s environment.
Open dumping of refuse in drainage channels, rivers and lagoon has caused flooding in many states like Lagos, Port Harcourt etc, besides polluting the water resources
Erosion hazards and environmental deterioration are evidences of man’s unwholesome interference with the natural ecosystatic balance.
Large scale clearing of vegetation for residential and industrial uses can lead to drought, desert encroachment, and soil erosion and even interfere with the local weather and climate of an area.
Recycling of waste in our environment is very significance as waste has a huge negative impart. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are released from rubbish or landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused waste and the needs for raw material so that the rain forest can be preserved.
Non - Renewable is the energy which is taken from the source that is available on the earth limited quantity and will vanish in the future. They are not environmental friendly and can have very serious effect on our health. Sources exist in the form of fossil fuel, natural gas, heavy oil and coal. A Non- renewable source releases toxic gases in the air when burnt, which are the major cause of global Warming.
Renewable sources of energy have low carbon emissions, they are considered as green environmental friendly. The sources of these energy are the sun, windmill geothermal energy, ocean energy etc.
The fact that Nigeria has undergone and is still undergoing rapid socio-economic and physical development particularly since independence cannot be contested.
Such development has however, taken its toll on the environment due to the excessive exploitation and general misuse of available natural resources.
Consequently, environmental problems of the nation continued to increase at an alarming rate as exemplified by deteriorating conditions in respect of:
* Poor sewage and drainage making our urban centers increasingly vulnerable to flood and related health hazards;
* Depletion of natural resources and the increasing risk extermination of some highly valued specie of indigenous wildlife and biodiversity.
* Coastal contamination through oil spillage and the attendant risk to the marine and coastal flora and fauna.
*.Gully erosion, flooding and general land depletion with the loss of potential agricultural land.
* Industrial pollution of air and water and their health environmental implication;
* Hazardous and municipal solid waste disposal.
I teach students to understand that ozone layer depletion, climate variability, global warming and the prospect of climate change are potential hazards facing mankind;
Educate students in the theory and practice of scenario planning;
Develop professional skills by working on a real world problem;
Learn how to define a problem and determine a strategy for working towards a solution. The area of my concentration in tutoring environmental management includes
* Environmental management Practice and Approaches
* Reserve Management and environmental planning
* Global population issues
* Environmental hazards
* Geographic information and data analysis
* Occupational health and safety
* Environmental problem solving
Vegetation and habitat Rehabilitation
Risk management
Carbon energy management.
Water management in the resource sector.

Natural resources management is the way and means by which we can explore and exploit the natural resources that form the base components of our environment.
Judicious utilization is needed to avoid wastage of some of the natural resources. If a field is overgrazed , the soil would naturally become exhausted. Quantity resources therefore require effective management for continuous sustainability.
Lastly, environmental resources management is therefore an approach to environmental stewardship which integrates ecology, policy making, planning and social development. With sustained environmental education the much desired attitudinal change and behavioral modification would be achieved and this will contribute a great deal to the cause of improved environmental protection and sustainable development.

Israel also teaches:
Ibibio Language, Basic Technology, Afang Soup, General Mathematics, Chemistry, Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Physics, Calculus, PMI, Geography

Levels taught: Primary and Sss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Israel will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Oworonskoki to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Sc in Geophysics

University of Lagos

Dipl. in ISO 45001:2018 Principle of Occupational Health and Safety Management

Alison e learning

About Israel

Private Environmental Management Tutor in Oworonskoki, Lagos

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