
Justice (ID Verified)

Physics Expert - Graduate of Engineering, UNILAG

  • 57 Hours Taught
  • Yaba, Lagos

How I can help


More than 3 years experience

I'm a natural mathematician and I love to play with numbers and formulae, physics is a subject which allows me to apply my dexterity with numbers in dealing with physical situations and applications. Phenomena in physics are a thing of interest to me as I am an engineer in the making. My tutoring method ensures that my client will get the most basic explanation needed to understand complex concepts.

Justice also teaches:
Basic Mathematics, Algebra, Elementary English, Elementary Mathematics, Basic Sciences, English Language, Agricultural Science, SAT Math, GRE, Basketball Coaching, Microsoft Excel

Levels taught: Undergraduate,

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Justice will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Yaba to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Sc. in Materials Engineering

University of Lagos

About Justice

Private Physics Tutor in Yaba, Lagos

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