
Hannah (ID Verified)

I empower young minds through Teaching English Language

  • 18 Hours Taught
  • Lees Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Lagos

How I can help

English Language

More than 6 years experience

I am a qualified teacher that possesses a good knowledge of the English language, I engage with the reception class and lower primary and has a proven record of effective teaching and setting them on a path towards successful language acquisition and future academic achievements. I ensure learning English language is fun for children.

Hannah also teaches:
Basic Mathematics, Phonics, Literacy & Numeracy

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Hannah will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Lees Road, to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Ed in History Education

Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode, Ogun state

About Hannah

Private English Language Tutor in Lees Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Lagos

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  Identity Verified
 Discount Applies for Extra Students
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Got Questions?

info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388