
Eucharia (ID Verified)

Build your child's I. Q and vocabulary with me.

  • 324 Hours Taught
  • Isolo/ajao estate, Lagos

How I can help

Verbal Reasoning

More than 6 years experience

Verbal reasoning helps to build your child's I. Q as well as their vocabulary. It builds a child's confidence in doing work with little or no supervision. This subject is very important for children in primary and kindergarten school stage.
Children whom I have taught this subject have a very much developed IQ and are seen to reason fast. They make excellent results when ever they sit for any exam.
Most atimes, I allow children do the work by themselves after giving them two to three examples, this helps them to be independent and reason more on their own.
Build your child's IQ with me, you won't be disappointed.

Eucharia also teaches:
Elementary Mathematics, Moral & Health Habits, Quantitative Reasoning, Basic Sciences, Biology, Literacy & Numeracy, Basic Mathematics, English Language, Igbo Language

Levels taught: Nursery, Primary and Jss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian, British, Montessori

I have been teaching children with the British curriculum for over 3 years and I can tell that it is a very effective curriculum and age appropriate .

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Eucharia will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Isolo/ajao estate to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Ed in Biology education

University of Benin

About Eucharia

Private Verbal Reasoning Tutor in Isolo/ajao estate, Lagos

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