
Emmanuel (ID Verified)

When I teach GMAT, student is confident of good grade..

  • 188 Hours Taught
  • Awosika B/Stop, Opebi, Lagos

How I can help


More than 6 years experience

I have learned so much and decided to impart the knowledge into as much people I can meet. As a Second Class Upper graduate in Physics, I taught Physics, Further Mathematics, English Language and Mathematics for seven (7) years after my graduation from school and GMAT for four (4) years till date. My experience as a teacher in the Nigerian curriculum helped over scores of students realize their potentials and get higher grades in their exams.

Teaching is my hubby and preparing students in for the junior and senior secondary certificate examination as well as some relevant subjects and higher level students. I received commendation for excellent performance of students where I tutored.

I specialize in teaching Physics and Mathematics at the secondary school level. I make use of video and computer technologies to facilitate teaching. I also make use of conventional teaching ( Classical lecture followed by laboratory activities on selected topics), problem-based learning and peer-instruction ( under instructors’

When was the last time you got grade A in your class or school work? How was it boring attimes to pickup your books and read when you have many other interesting things to do, how do you feel people see you as an underperformer?. In order to make excellent grade and still make valuable use of your time, I remain the best person for this job if you are willing to hire me and succeed in the subjects in just one sitting.

Emmanuel also teaches:
General Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Basic Sciences, Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Computer Science, English Language, Further Mathematics, Computer Networking, Basic Mathematics, Microsoft Excel

Levels taught: Primary, Jss, Sss, Undergraduate and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

B.Sc. in Physics

University of Agriculture Abeokuta Ogun State

About Emmanuel

Private GMAT Tutor in Awosika B/Stop, Opebi, Lagos

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388