
Ebiere (ID Verified)

To make students relevant in their daily lives and analyse situations

  • 669.7 Hours Taught
  • Abuja, Abuja

How I can help

Quantitative Reasoning

More than 6 years experience

I use Quantitive Reasoning to stimulate my interest in solving Mathematics. it allows the pupils to analyze and interpret the real world. It helps the pupils to be relevant in their daily lives.

In addition, pupils are able to understand mathematical facts and concepts. This also helps children to think critically and apply basic skills.

There are steps in dealing with Quantitive reasoning problems:
* Teach the pupils to have a plan
* Teach the pupils to understand the plan
*Ways to arrive at your answer.

Ebiere also teaches:
Basic Sciences, Verbal Reasoning, English Language, Poems & Rhymes, Shapes & Body Parts, General Mathematics, Literacy & Numeracy, Phonics

Levels taught: Nursery and Primary

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian, British

I understand EYFS curriculum, I have an idea for kid stage one

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Ebiere will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Abuja to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.A in History and international relations

Lagos State University

B.A in History and international relation

Lagos State University

About Ebiere

Private Quantitative Reasoning Tutor in Abuja, Abuja

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388