
David (ID Verified)

I have helped students excel in Mathematics for over 5 years now

  • 18 Hours Taught
  • Ori Oke , Lagos
  • (2)

How I can help


More than 6 years experience

I am studying Computer Engineering at the University of Lagos. I have always been able to break mathematics as simple as I can to my students. I am very patient, motivating and constantly push my students to involve themselves in the studying math. I have worked in four tutorial centers and I have had students appreciating me for my efforts and how my guidance helped them get better in mathematics.
My style of teaching is very hands on as I make sure the student and I solve as much questions as we can on any topic treated and based on their effort and other factors I determine the amount of assignment I give to the student so he or she has time for other subjects assuming mathematics is not the only subject at that moment. I like to challenge my students as it keeps them on their toes.

David also teaches:
Computer Science, Basic Mathematics, Arithmetic, Java Programming, Physics, Further Mathematics

Levels taught: Primary, Jss and Sss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, David will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Ori Oke to deliver lessons (e.g from Ori Oke to Alapere)

Education History

B.Sc in Computer Engineering

University of lagos

Certificate & Awards

Bsc. Computer Engineering in view

University of Lagos

About David

Private Algebra Tutor in Ori Oke , Lagos

I am goal oriented. I love to help others. I am a very likeable person but strict when I need to be. Make sure I always meet my target.

2 Reviews

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388