
Charity (ID Verified)

Visual Tutor

  • 240.5 Hours Taught
  • Abuja, Abuja

How I can help


More than 3 years experience

Teaching children the sounds made by individual letter or letter groups (for example, the letter “c” makes a k sound), and teaching children how to merge separate sounds together to make it one word (for example, blending the sounds k, a, t makes CAT). Builds a child's reading and spelling skills
English has a complicated spelling system. It is important to teach letter sound mappings in a systematic way, beginning with simple letter sound rules and then.
Phonics instruction teaches children how to decode letters into their respective sounds, a skill that is essential for them to read unfamiliar words by themselves.
Keep in mind that most words are in fact unfamiliar to early readers in print, even if they have spoken knowledge of the word. Having letter-sound knowledge will allow children to make the link between the unfamiliar print words to their spoken knowledge.
Throughout my career as a teacher, I have been passionate in my commitment to inspiring pupils’ interests in reading, and ensuring that I bring the best out of each student. I am prepared to play a significant role.

Charity also teaches:
Elementary Mathematics, General Mathematics, Literacy & Numeracy, Basic Mathematics, English Language

Levels taught: Nursery, Primary and Jss

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian, British, American

British curriculum recognises that all children are unique and as much keep a class size enough to develop very child's potentials, learning is effective through the use of visual aids and child-like centered learning.

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Charity will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Abuja to deliver lessons.

Education History

NCE in Mathematics/Economics Education

Federal College of education Kastinia-Ala

Certificate & Awards

N.C.E Mathematics/Economics Education

Federal college of Education Kastina-Ala

About Charity

Private Phonics Tutor in Abuja, Abuja

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