
Abdulrahman (ID Verified)

Get the best in SAT Mathematics from an expert tutor

  • 140 Hours Taught
  • Bariga, Lagos

How I can help

SAT Math

I am an experienced SAT Mathematics tutor with an in-depth knowledge of mathematical concepts. I have a BSc in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering from the University of Lagos. I simplify my teaching methods through illustrations, independent evaluations, and continuous interactions with my students during the learning period. I employ online resources, additional learning materials, and practice questions to complement the available resources to further aid learning. Since I am aware that every student has a unique learning style, I work closely with each one of them to determine their learning gaps and then modify my instruction to make it more understandable to them.

Abdulrahman also teaches:
Basic Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, GMAT Quant, Computer Science, Further Mathematics, General Mathematics

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at your home

When you book lessons, Abdulrahman will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Bariga to deliver lessons.

Education History

B.Sc in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

University of Lagos

About Abdulrahman

Private SAT Math Tutor in Bariga, Lagos

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