
Olaolu (ID Verified)

Web development can be simple. Let me show you

  • 257 Hours Taught
  • Eti-Osa, Lagos

How I can help

Web Development

More than 3 years experience

A website which consists of a mesh of a fronted with a backend is suitably composed to make the user experience an access to resources that can also be permeated by thousands and even millions of people. the making of it involves a bit of flair for getting the best out of the internet. As a natural user of the internet, i presume you already are ready for this.

When I teach, i will INTRODUCE you to the handling of html and css as a skill set language which can be relevant to the site that you will create and then we can gravitate towards javascript for making responsive web pages and applications for yourself and your internet business.

Olaolu also teaches:
IELTS, Basic Technology, Digital Marketing, Drums, Chess, Handwriting Improvement, Microsoft Excel, Basic Computing

Levels taught: Jss and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

M.Sc. in Electrical and electronic engineering

University of Portsmouth

About Olaolu

Private Web Development Tutor in Eti-Osa, Lagos

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