
Olaolu (ID Verified)

Chess Champion Tutor

  • 257 Hours Taught
  • Eti-Osa, Lagos
  • (1)

How I can help


More than 3 years experience

In February 2009, we were in the beginning of Spring and the team were invited over to Guildford for a Chess master competition. All of us were decked from head to toe in chess gear and the tips of our fingers were covered in gloves because it was still very chilly.

There were 6 guys in the team and a driver. We got there and Only 2 of us won our matches. I was one of the 2.

Overtime I still get invited to these tournaments and now that I think of it, there is only one way to get good at Chess - by practice and with experience.

I help my students navigate the murk of the Chess games industry. Each game is role played as a Hunger Games Tournament, where you need to survive and still protect your tribe. I do the lessons at the home of the students and provide digital material for them to feed their minds with before the next time we see.

Olaolu also teaches:
Handwriting Improvement, Microsoft Excel, Basic Computing, IELTS, Basic Technology, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Drums

Levels taught: Jss and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

M.Sc. in Electrical and electronic engineering

University of Portsmouth

About Olaolu

Private Chess Tutor in Eti-Osa, Lagos

1 Review

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