
Anderson (ID Verified)

I am an expert in teaching probability

  • 102 Hours Taught
  • Gboko polytechnic, Benue

How I can help


More than 6 years experience

Discipline with a free flow of expression with no tension is created between i, my client for a near hundred percent outcome while teaching, i am serious when is necessary, because mine student has to come out excellently well, that is why i get involve fully while teaching, also it has to be practical in order to land a positive result. i have done these for more six years now .I love teaching

Anderson also teaches:
General Mathematics, Basic Technology, Quantitative Reasoning, Further Mathematics, Differential Equations, Calculus, Chemistry

Levels taught: Primary, Jss, Sss, Undergraduate and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

B.Eng. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Enugu State University

About Anderson

Private Probability Tutor in Gboko polytechnic, Benue

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