Alisa (ID Verified)
Verbal reasoning made easy by an experienced tutor
- 206.5 Hours Taught
- Igbo-efon , Lagos
How I can help
Verbal Reasoning
More than 3 years experience
Verbal reasoning test a child's ability for critical thinking, problem solving and intelligence. It is a form of problem solving based around words and language. As an educator, I have been teaching this subject for over 15 years, and the experience I have gathered speaks for itself. I am very creative in the use of materials. I am aware that every child is a unique individual with their own strength, interest and area for growth, and so, I employ engaging and meaningful learning process to teach. I am patient, understanding and at the same time, I try to meet up with set goals. For younger children, I use colorful objects, flash cards and drawings. For older children, I use textbooks, past questions and I also source for materials from the internet. I make learning fun for children. I believe that children can have fun while learning. As a matter of fact, children learn faster in a conducive and fun environment. One of my goals is to bring out the best in your child.
I use a step-by-step approach to guide children when teaching Verbal reasoning. And I use the Bond Verbal textbook and materials sourced from the internet. I also help with school projects and homework.
Alisa also teaches:
Basic Sciences, English Language, Quantitative Reasoning, Phonics, Literacy & Numeracy, Basic Mathematics, Creative Writing, English GrammarLevels taught: Upper Primary, Lower Primary and Pre-Primary
Teaching Curriculum: British, Montessori, Nigerian, EYFS
Travel Policy
Lessons hold at your home
When you book lessons, Alisa will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Igbo-efon to deliver lessons.
Education History
B.Sc in Computer Science
Lagos state university
Certificate & Awards
About Alisa
Private Verbal Reasoning Tutor in Igbo-efon , Lagos
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