Alisa (ID Verified)
Have fun while learning phonics
- 206.5 Hours Taught
- Igbo-efon , Lagos
How I can help
More than 3 years experience
Phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.
As an educator with over 15 years of experience, I first evaluate a child before placing him/her where they fit. I am aware that every child is a unique individual with their own strength, interest and area for growth, and so, I support engaging and meaningful learning processes that are responsive to their needs. I make use of colors, colorful objects, flash cards, visuals and Montessori aid to reinforce a topic.
I only have the best plans, and I plan to give your child the best that can be offered anywhere.
Alisa also teaches:
Verbal Reasoning, Basic Sciences, English Language, Quantitative Reasoning, Literacy & Numeracy, Basic Mathematics, Creative Writing, English GrammarLevels taught: Pre-Primary, Lower Primary and Upper Primary
Teaching Curriculum: Montessori, EYFS, British, Nigerian, American
Travel Policy
Lessons hold at your home
When you book lessons, Alisa will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Igbo-efon to deliver lessons.
Education History
B.Sc in Computer Science
Lagos state university
About Alisa
Private Phonics Tutor in Igbo-efon , Lagos
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