Alisa (ID Verified)
Get an "A" in mathematics. Click for the best basic mathematics tutor
- 206.5 Hours Taught
- Igbo-efon , Lagos
How I can help
Basic Mathematics
More than 3 years experience
Mathematics is not easy for everyone. It is an area of knowledge that includes "Numbers, formulas, shapes, etc."
As an educator, I have been teaching this subject for over 15 years, and the experience I have gathered speaks for itself. I teach children from ages 3 to 12 and also prepare candidates for the Common Entrance Examination. I have also prepared candidates for entrance examinations into top schools like Corona School, Grange School, St. Saviours Primary School, GreenSprings schools. What has kept me going on this job this far, is my passion for the job, and my love for children. I am patient, intelligent, eloquent, and tech-savvy.
No child is difficult to teach, as every child learns at their own pace. I instil enthusiasm in the pupils I teach in order to make learning interesting and engaging. It's usually fun with me on the job, because I believe that some children, especially the younger ones, learn while they play.
I am aware that children are different, and so I take on each child with a unique approach. I am creative, patient, and understanding and at the same time, I try to achieve the set goals. For younger children, I use colourful objects, flashcards and drawings to analyze complex questions while for the older children, I use textbooks, instructional aids, past questions and also source materials from the internet. I believe learning should be a fun activity, and that children should have fun while learning. And this is what I bring to you. I can only give you what I have, and that is, "The best!".
Alisa also teaches:
Verbal Reasoning, Basic Sciences, English Language, Quantitative Reasoning, Phonics, Literacy & Numeracy, Creative Writing, English GrammarLevels taught: Pre-Primary, Lower Primary and Upper Primary
Teaching Curriculum: Montessori, EYFS, British, Nigerian
Travel Policy
Lessons hold at your home
When you book lessons, Alisa will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Igbo-efon to deliver lessons.
Education History
B.Sc in Computer Science
Lagos state university
Certificate & Awards
About Alisa
Private Basic Mathematics Tutor in Igbo-efon , Lagos
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