Alisa (ID Verified)
Be the best in creative writing, hire a creative tutor.
- 206.5 Hours Taught
- Igbo-efon , Lagos
How I can help
Creative Writing
More than 3 years experience
Does your child/ward find it difficult to master the art of creative writing? If your answer is "YES", then you've come to the right tutor. Creative writing in its simplest form is that type of writing that is original and expressive of oneself.
It involves many different genres and styles across a whole range of fields of both fictional and non-fiction writing; storytelling, playwriting, poetry, journalism, etc.
As an educator (and one of the best that I know), I assist children to think outside the box and create characters, settings, and plots, using their imagination in the process. I assist them in seeing events in a different light, thinking critically, analyzing and creating a variety of stories (both fictional and non-fiction).
Most of the children I have taught, and the ones I presently teach, didn't have the remote idea of how to put pen to paper when it came to creative writing; but when I started teaching them, there was a significant difference. I only have the best plans, and I plan to give your child the best that can be offered anywhere.
Alisa also teaches:
English Grammar, Verbal Reasoning, Basic Sciences, English Language, Quantitative Reasoning, Phonics, Literacy & Numeracy, Basic MathematicsLevels taught: Pre-Primary, Lower Primary and Upper Primary
Teaching Curriculum: Montessori, EYFS, British, Nigerian
Travel Policy
Lessons hold at your home
When you book lessons, Alisa will usually travel anywhere at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Igbo-efon to deliver lessons.
Education History
B.Sc in Computer Science
Lagos state university
Certificate & Awards
About Alisa
Private Creative Writing Tutor in Igbo-efon , Lagos
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