
Adekola (ID Verified)

Experienced Literacy and Numeracy Tutor

  • 806 Hours Taught
  • Surulere, Lagos

How I can help

Literacy & Numeracy

More than 6 years experience

I started out my teaching career about nine years ago teaching twenty six nursery kids in a Montessori school. Due to the massive improvement observed, I was drafted to focus on teaching the various grades Literacy and Numeracy. Since then, I have helped many more kids rightly build their academic foundation.

Literacy and Numeracy are a child's first introduction to what they would spend most of their school years doing. It is important that they get things right at this stage and this can only happen when you hire an experienced tutor who knows how to navigate his way around the uniqueness of the kids and help bring out the best in them.

That tutor is myself. Take that step now.

Adekola also teaches:
SAT Math, Verbal Reasoning, Biology, Quantitative Reasoning, Basic Sciences, Basic Mathematics, Physics, Basic Technology, General Mathematics, Chemistry, English Language, Computer Science, Economics

Levels taught: Primary, Jss, Sss, Undergraduate and Adult

Teaching Curriculum: Nigerian, British, American

I once worked as a teacher in a primary school for a period of 7 months where members of staff were periodically trained in line with the British Curriculum, as we were expected to effectively teach the children accordingly.

Travel Policy

Lessons hold at a neutral location

When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.

Education History

B.Sc in Electrical/Electronics Engineering

University of Lagos

S.S.C.E in Science

Baptist Academy, Lagos.

About Adekola

Private Literacy & Numeracy Tutor in Surulere, Lagos

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