Mrs Chimamanda lesson this month was awesome. She has improved tremendously and still improving in maths and science. I would like to meet her again and recommend her to others.
Mrs Chimamanda lesson this month was great. We have learnt a lot and improved tremendously. I would recommend this client to others and will love to work with her again.
Mrs Chimamanda lesson this month was awesome. She learnt and improved her math skills tremendously. I would like to meet her again and recommend her to others.
My lesson time with Chimamanda this past month was great. She is improving tremendously in all subject areas especially maths. I would like to meet her again and recommend her to others.
My time with Mrs Chimamanda this past month was awesome. We learnt a lot in science, math and English. Much improvements were achieved. I would love to meet her again and recommend her to others.
Lesson with Mrs Chimamanda was good. Learning was effective, lesson goals were met and that makes me happy. I would love to meet her again and recommend her to others.