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Computer & Software

Computer Science
Passionate about Computer Science and helping clients understand it.

Starting from a foundation of desktop publishing, i moved on with computer science and data processing up to my Higher National Diploma (HND) level. In addition to my quest for more in this field, ...

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Software Engineering
Passionate about debugging computer software issues

Having had dealings with computer systems for about a decade gives me the room to understand basic fundamentals about them. Professionally, i have batched two (2) first degrees in this light, HND a...

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Essay Writing
I am keen on expressive forms of writing in which essay writing is one

I have been particularly interested in expressive forms of writing. Essay writing gives room for this expression. I therefore find it interesting. I have been writing for over a decade now. Some of...

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Verbal Reasoning
Bringing out the best in verbal reasoning.

The practicality of tutoring comes in results. Nobody pays for efforts, its about results. Tutoring on subjects such as verbal reasoning requires both experience and knowledge. Both of these have b...

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School Subjects

English Language
Passionately seek to tutor clients distinct elementary English

English language, though not one of the most complicated languages in the world needs to be learnt properly. I have taught English Language at all the elementary levels and have about 5 years exper...

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Information Technology (ICT)
ICT is a major backbone for any 21st century business

Information Technology is a major backbone for any business operating in the 21st century. It's been with intense passion to find myself in such a field while growing up. This journey lead me into ...

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B.Sc., Computer Science and Engineering
Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-ife, Osun State
HND, Computer Science and Data Processing
Institute of Data Processing Management of Nigeria

Work History
General Manager

Tutoring Policies

Lessons hold at a neutral location
When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.


If you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson, Moses requires you do so at least 6 hours before your next lesson.

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