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Business & Commercial

Public Speaking
Experience public speaker from University. Public speaking teacher

I have been into public speaking since my university days. Also, as a graduate of English, it’s empirical to have done public speaking as a course on its own. This result in a great knowledge of w...

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English Language
Experienced English Language teacher in British and Nigeria Curriculum

I am a graduate of English from the University of Lagos, Akoka. I have been privileged to have taught in the reputable Day Waterman College, a boarding school in Ogun State. I taught English langua...

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School Subjects

Basic Mathematics
Experience Maths teacher and one time winner Cowbell Maths Competition

I have been privileged to teach mathematics in different schools and different exam centers. One of such school is the reputable Day Waterman College where I took the year 7 to year 11 class on mat...

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Social Studies
A great Social Studies tutor

As much as I love my society and its environs, that's how I love teaching Social Studies. It tells more about my society and its citizens. The culture and its tradition must still be instilled in t...

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B.A., English
University of Lagos

Work History
English Teacher
Day Waterman College

Tutoring Policies

Lessons hold at a neutral location
When you book lessons, they'll be delivered at your home or anywhere else you both agree - whichever works best for you.


If you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson, Ikechukwu requires you do so at least 6 hours before your next lesson.

3 Reviews

February 2020

January 2019

October 2018

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388