We charge a 3-5% client service fee every time lessons are booked. This covers the cost of payments, processing the booking and monitoring lessons. Service fees are calculated from the booking subtotal, which is the hourly price set by tutors multiplied by the total number of hours booked.
The exact percentage used for the client service fee depends on the subtotal of the booking.
Bookings below ₦20,000 in total apply a 5% service fee, bookings between ₦20,000 and ₦50,000 apply a 4% service fee while bookings above ₦50,000 apply a 3% service fee so that clients can save more on longer bookings.
After entering the exact lesson days and times, and the number of students, clients will see the service fee included or quoted on the tutor's subject page. The exact fee is located on the checkout page before paying for lessons and on all client billing receipt.
Please note that transportion fees have already been included in the tutor's stated price, so clients do not have to pay any tutor directly
If clients pay from the available balance in their wallets, we do not charge the service fee. If a client cancels a lesson, the service fee is non-refundable. If a client chooses to be refunded after a tutor cancellation, the service fee is refunded. If a booking is changed, the services fee adjusts according to the new subtotal.
We also charge tutors a tutor service fee to cover the cost running the site, marketing and customer support.