Your earnings: your level determines your earnings rate for every booking you deliver. New tutors receive 65% commission which increases to 85% through four levels. So the more you teach, the more you earn.
Search results: levels also affect your placement in search results. For instance, when clients search for a skill, tutors on Level 3 may gain higher placement than those on Level 2. Our algorithm also promotes new tutors so that they can get initial clients; but afterwards, placement is based on tutors’ performance. We do this in order to help clients find the best tutors with proven track record.
Trust: levels have a direct correlation to how much you’re trusted since joining Tuteria. Tutors who have attained higher levels have taught more lessons, displayed great service quality and are committed to growing our community.
New features: we are constantly building new features and opening new business opportunities to help tutors make even more impact and earn more money. Tutors at higher levels will be able to use these features and opportunities ahead of others.