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080 928 78388
090 945 26878
Tara is very committed and hardworking .She is certain to excel in her exams.Tutoring her was delightful.
Mr Adebayo's daughter is ready to learn, she is smart and very inquisitive. It was a wonderful experience teaching her.
A dedicated and serious minded student with limitless potentials.
My student improved progressively during the period. She was punctual to the lessons.
My student, Omotara was very responsive
She is hard-working and attentive.l have high expectations for her.
The student was not so calm but had a good reception.
Through deligent practice, Motara has honed her skills to deliver on writing compelling summaries and articles as she prepares for the IGCSE exams.
The pupils are highly intelligent and the family is very nice and friendly with high level of respect to the lesson teacher.
He provided a conducive learning Environment And the student was open and eager for instruction and learning.