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Elementary & Kindergarten

Literacy & Numeracy
100% Pass Rate in Literacy & Numeracy Exams. Committed To Excellence

Literacy and Numeracy is a life-long and active processes that begin at birth and develop throughout one’s lifetime foundational to successful living, learning and participating in today’s society...

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An Excellent Teacher with a great passion for Phonics.

Phonics is a method for teaching people how to read and write an alphabetic language (such as English, Arabic or Russian). It is done by demonstrating the relationship between the sounds of the spo...

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English Language
Get a language confident in English . Book lessons now

English language emphasizes the fundamental language skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, viewing and presenting. An emphasis on vocabulary and composition skills will be an o...

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Handwriting Improvement
Handwriting Improvement Tutor, Love Helping Students Excel

We know that effective writing will help students in their coursework but it's equally important to write well in the workplace. If a job interviewer is considering two qualified candidates, the ca...

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Basic Mathematics
An Excellent Teacher with a passion for Basic Mathematics

Math teachers create lesson plans to instruct their students in general or specialized subjects within mathematics. They prepare math assignments, homework, and tests to impart knowledge and unders...

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School Subjects

Agricultural Science
An excellent teacher with a passion for Agricultural science

I love teaching agric science. I have taught the elementary school, I have also prepared student who want to write common entrance in this subject. I have been a teacher for five years. I've had 98...

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A good tutor makes you comfortable.A Teacher with a passion for Government.

Government is a study of the origins, development, structure, and functions of the national government. Topics include the constitutional framework; federalism; the branches of government, politi...

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B.Sc, International Relations
National open university of Nigeria

Work History
Class instructor
Fortune spring school

Tutoring Policies

Lessons hold at your home
Folakemi will usually travel at most 5km (~ 30mins drive ) from Iponri


If you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson, Folakemi requires you do so at least 6 hours before your next lesson.

1 Review

Falolu bus stop
April 2023

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388