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Contact Emmanuel
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Offline Lessons 1-on-1 Tutoring
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Exam Preparation

Professional ICAN tutor with experienced teaching approach

Prospective ICAN professionals need someone (a professional) who has passed through the examination processes to help make their journey to becoming a professional smoother and less stressful. I as...

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NIM tutor with a personalized teaching approach

Most graduates trying out to be a member of the Nigerian institute of management are either too busy building their careers or mainly invested in something else. They need an instructor who already...

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B.Sc., Agricultural Economics
University Of Ibadan

Work History
Long Cottage Aggregation venture limited
Vanguard pharmacy limited

Tutoring Policies

Lessons hold at your home
Emmanuel will usually travel at most 15km (~ 1.5hrs drive ) from Ogba


If you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson, Emmanuel requires you do so at least 12 hours before your next lesson.

3 Reviews

Omole Phase 1
July 2017

Omole Phase 1
October 2016

Akanbi Crescent
March 2016

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info@tuteria.com 080 928 78388